Email Notification Enhancement
As a librarian, I would like to have the ability to manually send overdue notices in addition to the automated overdue notification functionality that already exists, in order to be able to contact a user directly under certain circumstances (e.g., automated failures or the need for an individual reminder).
Administrators should be able to access the ability to send overdue notices manually through the user interface of the library management system. -
The system should allow the administrator to preview the content of the email before sending, including the user's name, the title of the overdue book, the checkout date, the due date, and the current date. -
After the email is sent, the system should record the details of the sending (including the time of sending and the recipient) and display them in the administrator's email record. -
The administrator should be able to receive feedback from the system to confirm whether the email was successfully sent.
Edited by Yu Xia