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Snippets Groups Projects
Kacper Polczynski's avatar

Student Number: 21070120 Openshift url: This is my web development project Ive included three references to code snippets i have used and included them in my code to show when they were used.

Code adapted from: Accessed on 12/12/2024 This code allowed me to upload a photo file to the server which and then enabled me to upload these to my database alongside projects as well as uploading them with an ajax respone

Code snippets from: accessed on 22nd decemeber Used basic login and register feature to add authentication to the app I used this in order to create additional functionality in the website such as user commenting an admin user that can delete and add projects

code snippet from: Accessed on 12/12/2024 gave me the base css and htnl for a modal pop up This was then used to create a detailed from which uploads data to database for projects to be displayed