Dec 2, 2024–Dec 8, 2024
Sprint 3
As a user, I want to view and edit my personal information on my profile page so that I can manage and update my details -
as a admin,i want to update data in match table so that i can fix wrong data. -
As a user, I want a rules page with a search bar and three links (each link to the rules of Darts, Pool, and Table Tennis), so that I can quickly search for and navigate to the rules of the sport I am interested in. -
as a admin,i want to read match table so that i can know all data and find out the errors that may occurred -
as a admin,i want to delete data in match table so that i can fix wrong data, -
As an admin, I want to through a table to update new user so that admin can update user information and classify role -
as a admin,i want to create match record so that i can fix wrong data -
As an admin, I want to through a table to add new user so that admin can give user a new account and classify role -
As a user, I want to receive error messages for invalid data so that I can fix any issues before saving, and my personal data is only viewable and editable by me. -
As a user, I want to see the match details and be able to change my score -
As a user, I want to upload some videos and pictures, and I can share it on other platforms(such as ins or twitter).