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Resolve "As a developer I want all landmarks to be stored together"

Closes #32 (closed)

As per user story, following #30 (closed) 's database implementation, I have modified the locations table to hold the required variable information for the applications trail landmarks. I have added mock data from VSTA's app for all three of Caerphilly's trails. The description of each location is just a placeholder. The email addresses are unknown, therefore left blank. There shouldn't be any bugs or conflicts with this implementation. The data uploaded by a user using the landmark submission form, found on the current home page is added to the locations SQL table, this data is temporary and deleted at the end of the users session.

TODO for later database implementations;

  • Discuss correct trailID location identifier ID

Be aware, when printing the location loc constructor in line 44 of Team5.SmartTowns.Landmarks.LandmarkController, a landamrkID of 0 is printed. As no landamrkID is given within the form, please consider this a default value, when added to the locations table, this value is updated to the correct one. No further work is needed on this at the current date. When a more complex database is current, perhaps this will need to be revised.

Edited by Rhys Evans

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