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Commit 5965bd2e authored by Maria Engel's avatar Maria Engel
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Merge branch 'master' into 'main'

Streamline packing density computation;

See merge request sapme1/hexagonalsampling!2
parents 1462dc9a 181aa84a
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1 merge request!2Streamline packing density computation;
function [packingDensity, L_optimum, isDegenerate, packingDensityCAIPI, L_CAIPI] = ...
function [packingDensity, L_optimum, isDegenerate, packingDensityCAIPI, L_CAIPI, fh] = ...
ComputeMostHexagonalSampling(R_inplane, FOV_inplane, sliceSpacing, nSlicesSimultaneously, ...
nSlicesTotal, sliceThickness, sliceGap, doPlot, doDebug, gifName)
nSlicesTotal, sliceThickness, sliceGap, doPlot, doDebug, gifName, Lincrement)
% This function computes how to optimally sample the phase encoding plane for 3D/Multiband
% EPI/Spiral to achieve the maximum packing density of circles in the image domain
......@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ function [packingDensity, L_optimum, isDegenerate, packingDensityCAIPI, L_CAIPI]
% gifName name of gif in case debug plot should be saved as gif
% Lincrement A number of Ls is tested, Lincrement is the resolution, i.e. how precise
% is the determination of the optimum L {0.01}
% packingDensity circle packing density [%]
......@@ -43,6 +46,9 @@ function [packingDensity, L_optimum, isDegenerate, packingDensityCAIPI, L_CAIPI]
% isDegenerate flag whether packing density metric is degenerate
% fh cell figure handles to grid figure (fh{1}) and packing density
% figure (fh{2})
% Example: [packingDensity, L_optimum] = ComputeMostHexagonalSampling(1, 192, 19.2, 3);
% [packingDensity, L_optimum] = ComputeMostHexagonalSampling(1, 192, [], 3, 3, 4, 15.2)
......@@ -54,11 +60,11 @@ if nargin == 7
sliceSpacing = nSlicesTotal*(sliceThickness+sliceGap)/nSlicesSimultaneously;
if nargin < 8
if nargin < 8 || isempty(doPlot)
doPlot = false;
if nargin < 9
if nargin < 9 || isempty(doDebug)
doDebug = false;
......@@ -74,9 +80,17 @@ kzSlabThickness = 2*pi/sliceSpacing;
% the next point after a down-blip, the grids are going to get only worse = less homogeneous, i.e.
% no point in checking their packing density
Lmax = ceil(sqrt(0.5+sqrt(0.25+(kzSlabThickness/deltak_inplane)^2)));
% However for demonstration purposes, we still want to take into account all blipped-CAIPIRINHA
% patterns for plotting
if (doPlot || doDebug) && ~isempty(nSlicesSimultaneously)
Lmax = max(Lmax,nSlicesSimultaneously);
% For L<2 there is an L>2 which produces a rotationally symmetric grid i.e. same packing density
Lmin = 2;
Lincrement = 0.01;%0.001;
if nargin < 11
Lincrement = 0.01;
LArray = Lmin:Lincrement:Lmax;
......@@ -88,7 +102,7 @@ DELTA = 1:nSlicesSimultaneously;
LNarsudeUnique = nSlicesSimultaneously./DELTA;
LNarsudeUnique = LNarsudeUnique(mod(LNarsudeUnique,1)~=0);
LNarsudeUnique = LNarsudeUnique(LNarsudeUnique>2);
LArray = sort([LArray LNarsudeUnique]);
LArray = unique(sort([LArray LNarsudeUnique]));
howFar2Look = 10; % TODO: Find out what to put here!
d_min = zeros(size(LArray));
......@@ -110,7 +124,7 @@ for iL = 1:numel(LArray)
d = sqrt(kyArray.^2 + kzArray.^2);
d_min(iL) = min(d(d>0));
packingDensityArray(iL) = pi/4*d_min(iL)^2/(2*pi*deltak_inplane/sliceSpacing);
packingDensityArray(iL) = ComputePackingDensity(d_min(iL), deltak_inplane, sliceSpacing);
isBlippedCAIPI(iL) = ceil(LArray(iL))==LArray(iL);% && LArray(iL)<=nSlicesSimultaneously; % This is being kind to blipped CAIPIRINHA!
isNarsude(iL) = ismember(LArray(iL), LNarsudeUnique);
......@@ -120,18 +134,19 @@ for iL = 1:numel(LArray)
PlotGrid(kyArray, kzArray, sliceSpacing, ah);
subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
if isBlippedCAIPI(iL) || isNarsude(iL)
xlabel('L'); ylabel('Packing density [%]');
xlim([Lmin Lmax]); ylim([min(packingDensityArray*100) 90.7]);
xlim([Lmin Lmax]); ylim([min(packingDensityArray) 90.7]);
sgtitle(sprintf('L = %.2f',LArray(iL)));
%% Make GIF
if ~isempty(gifName)
set(gcf, 'color', 'white');
frame = getframe(1);
im = frame2im(frame);
[imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,256);
......@@ -158,17 +173,38 @@ indCAIPI = find(isBlippedCAIPI + isNarsude);
d_CAIPI = d_min(indCAIPI);
L_CAIPI = LArray(indCAIPI);
packingDensityCAIPI = ComputePackingDensity(d_CAIPI,deltak_inplane,sliceSpacing);
indNarsude = find(isNarsude);
d_Narsude = d_min(indNarsude);
L_Narsude = LArray(indNarsude);
packingDensityNarsude = ComputePackingDensity(d_Narsude,deltak_inplane,sliceSpacing);
%% Plot grid and resulting sampling density for all options
if doPlot
% For plotting get grid points on a bit larger range
[kyArray, kzArray] = GetGridPoints(2*ceil(Lmax), deltak_inplane, sliceSpacing, L_optimum);
PlotGrid(kyArray, kzArray, sliceSpacing);
fh{1} = figure('Name','Sampling grid');
[Loptions, indOptions] = sort([L_optimum L_CAIPI]);
PackingDensityoptions = round([packingDensity packingDensityCAIPI]);
for iL = 1:numel(Loptions)
bh = subplot(1,numel(L_CAIPI)+1,iL);
% For plotting get grid points on a bit larger range
[kyArray, kzArray] = GetGridPoints(3*ceil(Lmax), deltak_inplane, sliceSpacing, Loptions(iL));
PlotGrid(kyArray, kzArray, sliceSpacing, bh);
title(sprintf('L = %G \n Packing density = %i%%',Loptions(iL),PackingDensityoptions(indOptions(iL))))
if iL>1, ylabel([]); yticks([]); end
figure('Name','Packing density'); hold on;
plot(LArray, packingDensityArray*100);
plot(L_CAIPI, packingDensityCAIPI*100, 'x', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 3);
fh{2} = figure('Name','Packing density'); hold on;
plot(LArray, packingDensityArray, 'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', 'k', ...
'DisplayName', 'All feasible sampling patterns');
plot(L_CAIPI, packingDensityCAIPI, 'x', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 3, ...
'DisplayName', 'Blipped-CAIPIRINHA - A');
if ~isempty(L_Narsude)
plot(L_Narsude, packingDensityNarsude, 'x', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 3, ...
'Color', [148,0,211]/255, 'DisplayName', 'Blipped-CAIPIRINHA - B');
plot(L_optimum, packingDensity, 'x', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', ...
[34, 139, 34]/255, 'DisplayName', 'Optimum sampling');
ylabel('Packing density [%]');
......@@ -194,13 +230,16 @@ scatter(ky, kz, 'MarkerEdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5], 'MarkerFaceColor', [0.5 0.5 0.
hold on;
slabBorderColour = [100 149 237]/255; % light blue
yline(0,'r','LineWidth',3, 'Color', slabBorderColour);
yline(2*pi/sliceSpacing, 'r', 'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', slabBorderColour);
plot(ky(1:ceil(numel(ky)/3)), kz(1:ceil(numel(ky)/3)), 'LineWidth', 3, 'Color', [253 218 13]/255); % yellow
axis equal;
ylim(2*pi/sliceSpacing*[-1 2]);
ylim(2*pi/sliceSpacing*[-0.2 1.2]);
xlim([min(ky) max(ky)]);
xlabel('k_y'); ylabel('k_z');
xlabel('k_y [rad/m]'); ylabel('k_z [rad/m]');
hold off;
......@@ -208,5 +247,5 @@ end
function packingDensity = ComputePackingDensity(d, deltak_inplane, sliceSpacing)
A_circle = pi/4*d.^2;
A_unitcell = 2*pi*deltak_inplane/sliceSpacing;
packingDensity = A_circle/A_unitcell;
packingDensity = A_circle/A_unitcell*100;
\ No newline at end of file
clear all;
baseFolder = pwd;
doSave = true;
saveFolder = pwd;
if doSave
dfws = get(0,'DefaultFigureWindowStyle');
Nsim = 5;
R = 4.4/Nsim;
FOVinplane = 220;
sliceSpacing = FOVinplane/2/Nsim;
[packingDensity, L_optimum, isDegenerate, packingDensityCAIPItmp, L_CAIPItmp, fh] = ...
ComputeMostHexagonalSampling(R, FOVinplane, sliceSpacing, Nsim, [], [], [], true, 0, [], 0.001);
if doSave
set(fh{1},'Position',[29 174 1479 588])
export_fig(fullfile(saveFolder, 'ExampleGrids'),'-png','-transparent','-a1','-r300',fh{1});
set(fh{2},'Position',[845.8 418.6 372.8 244.8])
hLegend = findobj(gcf, 'Type', 'Legend');
hLegend.Position = [0.2517 0.2370 0.5359 0.2708];
export_fig(fullfile(saveFolder, 'ExampleGridsPackingDensity'),'-png','-transparent','-a1','-r300',fh{2});
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -44,11 +44,17 @@ for iNSim = 1:numel(NSimArray)
name = sprintf(', N_{sim} = %i',Nsim);
nexttile; hold on;
'DisplayName', ['As hexagonal as possible' name],'LineWidth',2,'Color','k');
'DisplayName',['Blipped CAIPIRINHA' name],'LineWidth',2)
yline(pi/2/sqrt(3)*100,'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName', 'Maximum circle packing density, 90.7%');
plot(RArray(1:numel(packingDensity))*Nsim, packingDensity,...
'DisplayName', ['As hexagonal as possible' name], 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [34, 139, 34]/255);
plot(RArray(1:numel(packingDensity))*Nsim, packingDensityCAIPI,...
'DisplayName', ['Blipped-CAIPIRINHA - A' name], 'LineWidth', 2);
isNarsude = mod(L_CAIPI,1)>0;
plot(RArray(isNarsude)*Nsim, packingDensityCAIPI(isNarsude), '.',...
'DisplayName', ['Blipped-CAIPIRINHA - B' name], 'MarkerSize', 5, 'Color', [148,0,211]/255);
yline(pi/2/sqrt(3)*100, 'Color', [0.5 0.5 0.5], 'LineWidth', 2, 'DisplayName',...
'Maximum circle packing density, 90.7%');
xlim([Rtot_start Rtot_end]);
ylim([60 92]);
if iNSim==numel(NSimArray) || doSave==false
......@@ -57,6 +63,10 @@ for iNSim = 1:numel(NSimArray)
xlabel(''); xticks('');
if NSimArray(iNSim)==5
xline(4.4, ':', 'LineWidth', 2); % Mark example cases from other figure
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